Four Powerful Learning Modules
You already have within you, all of the skills you need to develop people.
Become an Truly Inspired Leader
Become an Highly Efficient Manager
Become an Seriously Effective Mentor
Become an Deeply Empowering Coach
Learning Module 1
Learn to apply the principles and language skills of leadership.
With leadership comes a huge responsibility for the well-being of others. Much like the captain of the good ship, leaders must listen to their crew to gain consensus and then privately consider the decisions they will make. Making the decisions for others and demanding that they follow a course of action takes a compelling vision, a full articulation of values and clearly-established viability of the process about to ensue. Leaders compel action by their vision. They generate a balance between generating consensus and taking command.
The Principles of Leadership
Part 1: Innovating New Ideas
Developing the vigilance needed to see what is not being seen by others you lead.
Part 2: Gathering Personal Power
Learn what leaders must do to accrue power to themselves if they are ever to empower others.
Part 3: Inspiring Extraordinary Actions
Develop the skill of demanding from others more than they might ever demand of themselves.
Part 4: Giving People Powerful Choices
Focus on developing the skill needed to confront people with a powerful choices about their future.
Part 5: Empowering New Leaders
Bringing out and developing the leadership skills of others on the team.
The Language of Leadership
Part 1: Creating a Vision
Create a compelling vision of the future that is both authentic and inspires others.
Part 2: Articulating the Values
Clarify the values that guide how the team will work with each other and with the people they serve.
Part 3: Establishing Team & Process Viability
Show to the team, and anyone served by them, what makes your delivery process viable.
Learning Module 2
Learn to apply the principles and language skills of management.
Managers manage the flow of a business process and the deliverables from one part of the process team to other parts in an organized manner. Managers who are effective do very little except planning and reporting. The art of managing implies that you get good at having others do things even better than you might do them. It is the art of appropriately delegating to team members with the requisite skills the execution of an essential part of the business process. As a manager you will become masterful at instilling the language of accountability across the team.
The Principles of Management
Part 1: Personal Integrity
Develop the personal integrity needed to inspire others will follow your lead.
Part 2: Personal Responsibility
Take responsibility for your actions and results, so that others you lead do the same.
Part 3: Team Accountability
Develop the skill of holding team members are fully accountable to you for their results.
Part 4: Team Impeccability
Develop the skill needed to ensure that all team members are fully accountable to each other.
Part 5: Empowering New Leaders
Learn to bring out the leadership skills of team members so they become a team of leaders.
The Language of Management
Part 1: Establishing Team Alignment
Learn to generate team alignment especially when there is little agreement on issues and actions.
Part 2: Managing Team Actions
Learn how the language of accountability can determine a team’s ability to maximize performance.
Part 3: Reaffirming Team Commitments
Install an approach to communications in which everything is said, and nothing is hidden.
Learning Module 3
Learn to apply the principles and language skills of mentoring.
Mentoring is the art of transferring information and knowledge from a person who has highly-developed skills at a particular business process function to a person with less exposure to the process and less experience at executing the function. The power of mentoring is in the partnership relationship between the mentor and the person being mentored. The bond that is built can even transcend the limits of a person’s willingness to learn. Mentors focus on the future possibility that will become available to a person once they have learned to execute and ultimately master a skill.
The Principles of Mentoring
Part 1: Defining the Lessons
Develop a process that define each lesson and the sequence in which you will teach them.
Part 2: Demonstrating a Skill
Learn how to demonstrate how a process function is executed clearly and completely.
Part 3: Deploying the Learner
Develop the skill of the person being mentored by giving them the opportunity to perform a function.
Part 4: Developing the Skills
Learn to develop skills in the person by guiding them to execute a correctable result on their own.
Part 5: Documenting the Progress
Develop a method for monitoring and documenting results produced by a person being mentored.
The Language of Mentoring
Part 1: Building Rapport with a Person Being Mentored
Establish a level of rapport needed to communicate and correct a learning process.
Part 2: Generating a Projects with a Person Being Mentored
Develop the skill of creating a future possibility that will compel action by a person being mentored.
Part 3: Forging a Partnership with a Person Being Mentored
Develop partnership based on trust in you as the mentor and faith in the mentoring process.
Learning Module 4
Learn to apply the principles and language skills of coaching.
Coaches are people who develop their natural skills at bringing out the brilliance of others through their questions. The starting place for coaching is in knowing that the person they are coaching has the requisite capability to perform a particular function at a higher level than they have previously. Coaches bring people to a new level of performance again and again. There is no limit to what people can achieve if they surrender to a coaching process. The language of coaching generates a request for coaching without which no coaching can occur.
The Principles of Coaching
Part 1: Making Clear Distinctions
Develop your ability to see inseparable distinctions rather than only separate differences.
Part 2: Incepting New Ideas
Learn the art of incepting new ideas into the thinking of a person about who they could be.
Part 3: Empowering Others to Embrace Change
Develop the skill of granting others the time they need to embrace these new ideas.
Part 4: Bringing Out Brilliance
Learn to bring out the natural brilliance of people so they take ownership of it.
Part 5: Putting That Brilliance to Work
How to turn that inner knowledge into effective and appropriate action.
The Language of Coaching
Part 1: Defining Challenges Within People
Draw out the inner challenges from within a person that will keep them from growing.
Part 2: Designing a Compelling Project
Develop a project plan a person will need to follow in order to achieve a future result.
Part 3: Defining the Rules of Engagement
Set out rules of engagement that will get a project on track and have it stay on track.
Discover How Easy It Can Be to Maximize Your Performance!
First you will need to unlearn all of the tactics, techniques, tricks and traps taught is most every sales training.
You will never get rid of them but you can minimize them so they no longer get in your way when connecting with clients.
TheAs your natural advisory skills become more dominant, sales will become more efficient, effective, empowering, enjoyable and easier.
Never again will you need to go to war with clients in a futile effort to outsmart them in an attempt to serve your own best interest at their expense.
Principles That Will Guide Your Actions
Our principles give an entirely new way of thinking about selling.
They turn the cheap tricks of selling into the sacred act of service to others that selling was always meant to be.
These principles will provide a guidance system that will keep you on track as the advisor clients seek out rather than the agent they often shun.
Most senior agents finally learn these skills after years of being beaten up by clients. Why wait that long and endure that level of punishment in the process.
Practices That Develop Your Skills
Our practices bring out your natural selling skills and put your skills to work immediately.
They offer a road map for day-to-day application of the practices which is where permanent learning takes place.
If you know the practices they will unfold before you in every conversation. If you practice them you will bring out your natural skills.
If you use these practices on a regular basis you will change who you are being from an agent looking for a deal to an advisor looking for a client.
A Process That Produces Results
Our process offers an new more reliable approach to generating greater near term business.
Our advisory selling process generates even more substantial long term business relationships with clients.
Rather than waiting for ten years to make significant income, you will get into major income within three to five years.
We all have these skills within us. The question is who will choose to develop these skills early in their selling game and maximize their performance.
Get Ready For A Big Change In How You Lead
This eBook will give you a complete overview of how our Collaborative Leadership Learning Modules can maximize people performance.
The eBook is currently not available!

PO Box 1357, Woodstock NY 12498